The purpose of Every Day Zen (EDZ) is to allow for extended practice amidst the activities of our life every day.
The annual Zen Intensives, from which EDZ has evolved, provide a different perspective on how we can carry our practice amidst our busy lives. EDZ has a more variable format than regular sittings or sesshin, allowing us to explore our practice with others in the safety of a committed and supportive group. For this reason we ask that participants at this unique event attend full-time.
Dates: 6th June – 16th June 2024
Venues: 'A Place To Just Be' and St Paul’s Hall
EDZ with Mari Rhydwen Roshi is, non residential, being held over the period Thursday 6th June to Sunday 16th June at A Place to Just Be, in East Fremantle and St Paul's Hall, Beaconsfield.
Photo: Every Day Zen 2024